Just by its name alone, one would assume the world’s first CBD Dispensary, created by the Tracy, CA-based California Milk Advisory Board, was a place to purchase a popular supplement extracted from the cannabis plant.
But this CBD stands for California Based Dairy, and this pop-up dispensary featured cheese, ice cream, yogurt and butter—also mood enhancers, but of a different type.
The pop-up with a play on words brought in 515 attendees to Venice, CA on February 22 from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., and there was absolutely no CBD or THC involved.
“Instead, it offered a dairy boost, which is a natural and wholesome mood enhancer,” says Jennifer Giambroni, director of communications for the California Milk Advisory Board. “Dairy foods are something that delight and should be celebrated as part of our heritage.”
She adds that many take dairy for granted, and the pop-up makes it more current and relevant, while providing a new way to look at these foods.
The pop-up was based off of a marijuana dispensary model. Customers received a personalized dispensary card upon arrival at the sleekly-designed venue.
They then visited four stations offering various strains of dairy and mood enhancements:
• Different strains of cheese to fit any mood, served in apothecary jars
• Rolled ice cream on demand in various flavors, prepared by a Dairytender
• Savory yogurt served in jars with custom infusions and mix-ins
• Melted butter micro-dosed on popcorn pieces
After visiting each station, customers received a Real California Milk seal stamp. When they completed the card, they received a sealed product sample bag to take home.
The California Milk Advisory Board provided attendees with dairy documents containing origin information and mood outcome insight to guide selections.
“The goal was to showcase natural dairy products in an interesting way, while telling a story and tying in what happens on the farm to what happens in the home through these products,” says Giambroni.